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How I Organize and Execute My Creative Ideas


Most of my ideas come to me early in the morning, the time of day I a most alert and inspired. I like to write down my thoughts and ideas as soon as possible so I usually write them down in a notebook. Where I can got back to them at a later date their is the task of sifting through these ideas and deciding which I should try to accomplish. The majority of my ideas are forgotten about, some of them may even be too ridiculous, but sometimes I come across a few that truly inspire me.

Deciding what to do with this collection of ideas is the next step. Some of my journaling may end up in a blog post or newsletter. If I have an idea for an art project I like to get it set up by doing some prep work. Adding gesso on a surface or cutting a stack of paper helps to get the tedious tasks out of the way and motivates me to begin a new project.

One of my recent ideas was to create art tags. I have seen so many beautiful mixed media art tags throughout the years and I felt inspired to make my own. I cut a stack of these tags so I can just grab one to work on if I have a couple of hours of free time.

Making art can be seasonal. I go through periods of time where I create a lot of new work. This is the time of year I feel most inspired. I like taking advantage of this inspiration to experiment and create an abundance of new art. I am making the habit of recording my process and I captured this experimentation with water media in my journal.


What are some ideas you hope to accomplish in the near future? How do you like to organize and begin executing these ideas? Please comment below!